
Epson L3250 Red Light Blink Solutions Service Requiesd Solution Epson L3250 Resetter Adjustment Program Free Download

Epson l3250 red light blinking solution

Epson L3210,L3215,L3216,L3250,L3251 Red Light Blink Solutions//Service Requiesd Solution

Friends, in today's post I am going to tell you how to fix epson l3250 red light blinking. And also I am going to provide you epson adjustment program which I have bought and I am going to give you free of cost. This epson adjustment program will reset the counting memory of all Epson l3250, Epson l3210, Epson l3260, Epson l3250, Epson l5290. Epson L3250 Resetter Adjustment Program Free Download

When does red light blinking problem occur in Epson l3250?

Red light blinking occurs in almost all models of Epson printers. This problem occurs when the ink counting memory becomes full. The problem of blinking red light comes due to many other reasons such as excessive dust or dust coming into the printer or even a piece of paper gets stuck in the printer. There are many other reasons for this but when the counting memory of the ink becomes full. Which is called service error. Only this error can be fixed with software.

Today I am going to tell you how to fix Epson l3250 red light with this software.

First thing to check for Service required error in Epson printer

1 - ControlPanel has to be opened

2- After coming to the Control Panel, you have to come to Hardware and Sound.

3 - After coming to Hardware and Sound, you have to come to Device and Printer.

4 - After coming to the device and printer, click on the right button of the mouse on the epson printer and click on the printer preferences.

5 - A box will open in front of which you have to click on epson status monitor 3 in the maintenance tab. Again a box will open in which if Service required error is appearing then use this software. Your red light problem will be 100% solved.

To fix Epson l3250 red light blinking problem, download the software for free from the link given below. Epson L3250 Resetter Adjustment Program Free Download

After downloading the epson l3250 adjustment program, stop whatever antivirus you have. And also turn off Windows Security in Windows 10 and Windows 11. How to turn off Windows Security you can see the video below.

After downloading the epson l3250 adjustment program, extract it with rar or 7zip software. After extracting the epson l3250 adjustment program from the rar file, you will get two files in which the first is the epson l3250 adjustment program and the second is a txt file.

1- First of all, the adjustment program has to be run from the run as administrator. A registration box will open in front of you in which a hardware id will be found and you will be asked for name and key.

2- In the name and key, you fill the name and key given below. These names and keys are for all hardware, any hardware id and will work in any computer.

Note - Be sure to turn off Windows Defender or whatever antivirus you have on your computer, otherwise the program will not run.



First Key------


Second Key --------


                            password this file-     maxindia*#*#4635#*#*

Simply copy the name and key and paste it in this box, after that click on the register button, your Epson adjustment program will open.

2 - After opening the Epson adjustment program, click on accept and proceed.

Next, by clicking on the select button, select the model of your printer and then OK.

3 - Next, by clicking on the Particular Adjustment Mode, select the Waste Ink Pad Counter and proceed by ok.

4 - Next to the main pad counter and platen pad counter and ink system pad counter all three have to be checked by clicking on initialize.

After doing this, in a few seconds, the memory of your printer will be reset and a message will be written in which it will be written to turn off your printer once and start it. After this, you have to turn off your printer once and restart it, you will see that the red light of your printer has gone out, your printer is ready for print.

This Epson Adjustment Program will work in all these model printers Epson Adjustment Program L3250, Epson Adjustment Program L3210, Epson Adjustment Program L1210, Epson Adjustment Program L3251, Epson Adjustment Program L3260, Epson Adjustment Program L5290

Download Epson Adjustment Program L3210,L3215,L3216,L3250,L3251

password this file-     maxindia*#*#4635#*#*

Second Google Drive Link Epson AdjustmentProgram  L3210,L3215,L3216,L3250,L3251

password this file-     maxindia*#*#4635#*#*
                                                       Click Here

Requests- Be sure to turn off Windows Defender or whatever antivirus you have on your computer, otherwise the program will not run.

For more information visit our youtube channel

For more information watch the video

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  2. इस टिप्पणी को एक ब्लॉग व्यवस्थापक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

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